ID: ah8Name: | Beverley |
Status: | Single |
Age group: | 55 plus |
Profession: | Project Management Consultant |
Preferred locations: | All the United Kingdom (full regions list) |
Current bookings: |
2 Mar 28 Mar 31 Mar 10 Apr
Reply rating: |
More information about this house sitter
I am a mature (nearly 62yo), down-to-earth, tidy, diligent, family oriented and respectful person of Welsh origin and birth and have lived in the southern hemisphere since very early childhood, mostly in New Zealand and also Australia, which is my home.
My family has known for many years that I have wanted to spend up to 12 months in the UK (I have a UK passport) to discover my heritage, the Country, landscapes and its people that I have yearned for years to learn so much about.
With my two daughters now well-grown and left home, and my mother in good care, I have theirs and my husband's full support in this endeavour.
I am now in my fourth month in the UK house-sitting and am loving the experience.
I have completed several house sits across England and Scotland so far, and have upcoming bookings that I'm excited about. These sits are taking me to all kinds of areas that I would otherwise not have explored as a tourist and they enable me to feel more a part of the communities that I am being a part of - giving me a more wholistic experience. I love it and the human and furry / hairy friends I'm making along the way too.
As part of my sit routine now:
- I send photos and updates daily so you feel connected to home, can see for yourself and be assured of the care being given.
- I make sure I have emergency contact details before you leave including friends / neighbours / family and vets (just in case they're needed).
- I write down all instructions as given verbally, if not already provided to me in writing, and confirm them back to you.
- I flex to fit in with any last minute changed travel arrangements to ensure a full handover and hand-back is completed in person.
Professionally - I have worked in the IT Industry for decades and still do. I have been a co-owner of my own IT project management consulting business for the past 9 years in Australia. I will continue to operate virtually while in the UK with my laptop.
I love animals and have had three gorgeous cats over a period of 25 years and have been dog-sitting for one of my daughter's two Finnish Laphunds for the past 2 years. Sadly our last boy cat Meeko passed in April of 2024 at 17 years. Also sadly, my husband is highly allergic to dogs so we’ve not been able to have any ourselves . I am willing to, and good at, following care routines for any pets and will follow your instructions religiously.
In joining this platform, I thought about role reversal and the extra assurances that I would want from a ‘stranger’ living in my home. So, I can provide to any enquirer an Australian National Police Certificate (dated July 2024) verifying my clearance. It has my address listed so I’m choosing not to publish it openly on my profile.
I have tried to show photos of my life in Brisbane which consists of strong family ties. I look forward to creating those in the UK with long lost relatives and new acquaintances. I would be delighted should an opportunity to care for someone's home and loved ones arise, and happy to share more information about me and meet on Skype / Zoom / Teams / WhatsApp or Messenger in person if required.
Many thanks for your consideration. I hope our paths meet and you can enjoy a hassle-free time away from home, knowing I'll look after everything and everyone for you in your absence. Read more...
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