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Semi-retired, experienced homeowner

ID: 8ba





Age group:

55 plus


Semi-retired. Therapist. House renovator

Years active:

3 years

Preferred locations:

South East England South West England Wales (full regions list)

Current bookings:

19 Oct 27 Oct

Reply rating:

5 out of 5

More information about this house sitter

I am a mature woman who is happy to do sits on my own but I sometimes do sits with a friend if the homeowners would prefer a couple. Or sometimes because I would like to spend some time with a friend.
I have owned several old houses and have been involved in renovating 4 cottages in Northumberland and a house in Brittany. I am not afraid to roll my sleeves up to deal with whatever needs doing and I have my own tool bag!
I am almost always cheerful and energetic. I enjoy the countryside and nature.
I have experience with various pets, from the usual cats and dogs to less common snakes and ferrets. I have not had my own hens but did have regular visitors at one of my cottages in Northumberland, and I have often looked after my friend's hens when she has gone away.
I also enjoy gardening and rarely kill a houseplant, in fact I am often given them to bring back from the dead.
"Trust in the Universe!" That's what I said when I decided to continue with the sale of my house even though my purchase had fallen through. And so my house-sitting adventure began in September 2021 and continued until July 2022 when a degree of 'normal' returned.
I thoroughly enjoyed the months of house-sitting, especially meeting new pets and discovering their personalities. They have frequently made me laugh and we have always bonded well.
At the moment, my main reason for using this site is to find properties in West Sussex, which is where my mother lives. My mother is 92 and went into a care home this year. Her house is due to be sold soon so I need places to stay where I will be able to visit her from.
My sons and grandson, as well as many friends, also live in Sussex so I would also use the opportunity to see them.

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