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House Sitting In Wales

Welsh CottageAnyone who leaves home frequently worries constantly about how best to protect the safety and integrity of their homes while away. Of course, there are some measures that most homeowners are already taking to accomplish this. For example, most people who take frequent vacations have at least some kind of home security, in addition to a home insurance policy. But on top of these basic measures, many people prefer an actual, watchful eye on their homes.

It is for these people that house sitting can be an appealing option, and indeed it seems that there is an increasingly large market for house sitting in the UK. In particular, the concept has become somewhat trendy in Wales, where entire services aimed at connecting homeowners and house sitters exist. Ultimately, there are few ways to feel more secure about the home you leave behind while on vacation than to have a reliable, established house sitter watching over it. Continue reading “House Sitting In Wales”
