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House Sitters in West Sussex, South East England Page 11

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House Sitters available (West Sussex, South East England)

Our House Sitters list for all the United Kingdom is below. To view a list of house sitters willing to house sit in your area please use the drop down menu.

When filtering by Location, you may see sitters from other states listed as well. That’s because those sitters have nominated they are willing to house sit in more than one state (some have chosen all the United Kingdom). They are all candidates for positions in the selected state.

We save you time. Replies from house sitters you contact can sometimes take a while and when they reply you may find your location and timing doesn’t suit their schedule. This means contacting house sitters one at a time can be a drawn out process. When you choose to contact a house sitter with us you will be asked to list your needs and when you do, available house sitters for your location and dates will be contacting you within hours.

House Sitter - Conscientious pet and house sitter
Reply rating: 5 out of 5
I am an honest, healthy, responsible, professional and physically active non-smoking individual who takes great pride in my work, home, and appearance. A former financial services executive, I studied in York, England while at university and, since then, have traveled over 30 times to Great Britain alone, in addition to significant travel on the Continent. Comfortable in both urban and rural... Read more
Preferred locations: South East England All regions
