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Merthyr, Wales

ID: 2ru



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Sitter required for:

12 Sep 2018 29 Sep 201817 days

Pet sitting required:


Sitter's pets welcome:

Applications for this listing have closed.

About this house sitting position in merthyr

Hi everyone,

Me and my partner are going to Bali for 2 weeks in September and are looking for a house and dog sitter during that time.

We have two Chorkies, our boy Gizmo is 8 and our girl Bear only 4 months. By September, Bear will be house-trained and know all necessary commands. However, I would still prefer someone that has experience with dogs and can be strict when need be, as she will be in her teenager years and potentially rebel.

Gizmo is the difficult, grumpy one in the house. He is very suspicious of strangers and not too keen on other dogs when he meets them outside. He is currently also not too keen on Bear, hence we need someone who is comfortable stepping in if she gets too much for him, which usually leads to him growling and snarling.

That being said, he is the most amazing dog I have ever had and extremely loving and attention seeking, once he gets to know you. He is also very well trained and despite his weariness of strangers and other dogs, he listens very well and doesn't get up to any nonsense at all, despite the occasional barking when he hears noises outside the house.

It would be great if a potential house sitter could come over in advance to meet the dogs and assure they can build some trust, though I understand that wouldn't be possible for anyone coming from far away. Alternatively, a skype or phone call would be great!

Despite looking after our dogs, we would also require for our house sitter to water the garden plants if a sudden dry season should hit us in September (which is quite unlikely)

Finally, I would want someone who is comfortable with my partners father to check in now and then. He only lives down the road and is occasionally collecting his post or to check in on the dogs.

If this sounds at all like you, please do get in touch :)

Merthyr is a little out the way so a car would be beneficial to get around, but it has some beautiful countryside to enjoy, including reservoirs, old cole mines and lovely little villages.

Happy to cover expenses (food, drinks etc) for the right person or consider reasonable rates. We have two brand new guest rooms in the house that offer a cosy get-away combined with exceptional nature trails nearby!

