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Passionate animal lover❤️

ID: 7zr





Age group:

55 plus


Part time Social Care Worker

Years active:

2 years

Preferred locations:

Scotland (full regions list)

Reply rating:

5 out of 5

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More information about this house sitter

I am a passionate animal lover and love travel and combining the two. I was brought up on a farm hence my love of animals.
I became a vegetarian at 13 and vegan in my twenties.
I enjoy cooking, art, travel, photography and country walks exploring new places.
I am a member of Trusted Housesitters and have visited a few countries doing this.
I also volunteer for the Cinnamon Trust Charity and have met so many lovely doggies and owners doing this. I fostered a wee cat for 6months for them as the owner was in hospital at end of life. I still visit puss who now has a forever home.
I still work as residential child care worker and enjoy this so do not want to retire just yet!
I will be happy to give any other information if you decide to choose me to look after your beloved pets and house.
I have police checks through work and would describe myself as very clean and tidy!
