Similar House Sitters
This profile has been disabled by the sitter, but we have a few similar available House Sitter profiles.
Tash :)
I'm a laid back 45 year old female currently studying BSC in Occupational Therapy. I live,...
Caring for precious Pets and home
Fun loving experienced pet sitter to care for Precious Pets and their homes.
Hi, I am 51, and have recently become child free for the first time in 25 years! My...
Reliable, Animal-Loving House Sitter
Hi, I’m Rachel! A 36 year old trustworthy, caring person with a real love of...
Animal Lover and House Sitter.
My name is Abbie and I have many interests, which include travel- this is my line...
The House Sitting Buddhist
My name is Scott and I am 37 years old, originally from Hampshire in the south of...
Jane and June
We would want the words trustworthy,reliable, careful, quiet and considerate to be at the...
Dog’s Best Friend | Remote Tech Worker
I’m an American who spends a lot of time in the UK. I have been a remote worker for 5...
We’re a 36 year husband-and-wife team who understand how important it is to feel...
Usually working with elephants
Hello! I'm Matthew; a 31 year old zoologist / data scientist, professional SCUBA diver, and...
This profile has been disabled by the sitter, but we have a few similar available House Sitter profiles.
Tash :)
I'm a laid back 45 year old female currently studying BSC in Occupational Therapy. I live,...
Caring for precious Pets and home
Fun loving experienced pet sitter to care for Precious Pets and their homes. Whether...
Hi, I am 51, and have recently become child free for the first time in 25 years! My...
Reliable, Animal-Loving House Sitter
Hi, I’m Rachel! A 36 year old trustworthy, caring person with a real love of...
Animal Lover and House Sitter.
Hello, My name is Abbie and I have many interests, which include travel- this is my line...
The House Sitting Buddhist
Hello! My name is Scott and I am 37 years old, originally from Hampshire in the south of...
Jane and June
We would want the words trustworthy,reliable, careful, quiet and considerate to be at the...
Dog’s Best Friend | Remote Tech Worker
I’m an American who spends a lot of time in the UK. I have been a remote worker for 5...
We’re a 36 year husband-and-wife team who understand how important it is to feel...
Usually working with elephants
Hello! I'm Matthew; a 31 year old zoologist / data scientist, professional SCUBA diver, and...
More information about this house sitter
Hello! My name’s Renee, I’m 19 and from Melbourne, Australia. 🇦🇺
I’m currently in the UK on a 2 year working visa.
I enjoy looking after pets and spending time caring for dogs. While moving over to the UK I’ve missed the love of a pet dog and so would love to combine my travels with looking after peoples pets in their home environment, so that the owners can go away knowing their loved furry friends and homes are in good hands in their absence.
I’ve grown up surrounded by dogs. I had two dogs from a young age (Jack Russel and Cairn Terrier) and have an extended family who loves dogs, including an aunty who breeds Collies, so I’ve been around both puppies and older dogs my whole life.
I’ve looked after neighbours pets when they’ve gone away including dogs, cats, chickens, guinea pigs, and rabbits.
I’ve been fortunate to grow up in a home with a lovely garden which I enjoy looking after, including making sure that the native wildlife (birds, possums, lizards) always have fresh water in their outdoor feeding or bath areas.