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Robyn & Michael - pet and home carers

ID: a7w





Age group:

55 plus


Retired Teacher & Engineer

Preferred locations:

All the United Kingdom (full regions list)

Current bookings:

1 Feb 1 Mar '25

Reply rating:

2.5 out of 5

More information about this house sitter

Happy, healthy(non-smokers) and lucky to be travelling - we travel to Europe for around 6 months each year. We’re all about you, your home, animals and therefore peace of mind. We travel for quality experiences to learn and also contribute, which is a reason that we really like house/pet sitting. We’ve travelled to many places and house sat a number of times - we have good references.

Towards the end of our professional careers we had an organic olive grove, vineyard, accomodation and a farm restaurant so we can pretty much turn our hands to anything, unfazed by nothing really. Just as we have travelled and had house sitters look after our home and pets we will do everything to ensure that you come home to a clean, well organised home with happy healthy pets.

We are fairly flexible with start dates for sits as long as it fits in with other bookings and although we prefer longer sits we will consider any proposition.

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